BERLINO – Quest’anno, nel programma del festival Tanz im August, presente con ben due coreografie anche Sasha Waltz.
Oltre a Kreatur, coreografia presentata a inizio giugno al Radialsystem, per la prima volta la compagnia ha portato in scena Women.
Nella suggestiva cornice della St. Elisabeth Kirche, un gruppo di 20 donne da vita a una performance intensa e piena di pathos.
Esibendosi in una danza ricca di simbolismi, fatta di svestizioni e rituali arcaici, le donne di Saha Waltz, sedute intorno a un tavolo triangolare – inspirato all’opera femminista The Dinner Party di Judy Chicago – tra cerimoniali sacri, momenti ludici e giochi saffici, esplodono in urla, pianti e risate liberatorie, per ritrovarsi unite in un sodalizio interamente al femminile.

Now in its 29th edition, this Summer, like every year, Tanz im August was on.
The festival went on for three weeks, during which some of the most interesting contemporary choreographers alternate on the major Berlin stages with thirty productions.
This year, the program was very varied and each show is very different from the other.

Sasha Waltz is also part of the program with two choreographies.
In addition to Kreatur – a piece presented at the beginning of June at the Radialsystem – for the first time the company also performed Women.
In the picturesque setting of St. Elisabeth Kirche, a group of 20 women create in an intense performance full of pathos.
Performing a dance full of symbolism, made up of undressing and archaic rituals, Sasha Waltz’s women, sitting around a triangular table – inspired by Judy Chicago’s feminist work The Dinner Party – explode in screams, crying and laughing liberation between sacred ceremonies, playful moments and Sapphic intimacy to find themselves united in a wholly feminine association.

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Danzatore per la Compagnia di danza contemporanea “Connecting Fingers”, di base a Berlino, dove collabora con coreografi e direttori artistici di fama internazionale. E’ inoltre istruttore di Pilates.